Product Liability, Toxic Tort & Mass Tort
GJK represents clients locally in mass tort litigation defense in Alabama, Arkansas, and Mississippi and collaborates with clients nationwide to create and implement innovative defense strategies.
Experienced. Our lawyers have years of experience defending mass tort & product liability actions. Our experience includes serving as counsel of record for more than 40 defendants in the federal asbestos MDL 875, leading the attack on screening-related fraud, and assisting the asbestos MDL court in the management of the court’s docket resulting in dismissal of more than 100,000 cases, and overseeing the joint records collection and medical expert retention on behalf of defendants in MDL 875.
Innovative. GJK's founding lawyers pioneered the Asbestos Trust Value Report (TVR) database platform, which is widely used in cases and courts across the country to assist clients with identifying a plaintiff's bankruptcy trust claims and estimating their claim payment amounts. Bankruptcy trust information is essential for every asbestos case. The TVR platform is a lawyer-driven platform that continually accesses available worksite and product information distributed by the more than 100 companies who have filed for asbestos-related bankruptcy. Capturing this ever-changing information ensures the TVR reports are up to date and credible in litigation.
This service to our clients has now evolved into the use of bankrupt product information and pictures to develop alternative exposures at depositions. Pictures of products are key to strategic questioning at depositions and in discovery.
Strategic. Evaluating a mass tort or product liability case requires our attorneys to not only know the individual case facts, but to understand the litigation landscape on a much broader level. We know the litigation and understand how the case may affect the client nationally, how it may set long term precedent, and how it can change the company profile in litigation. We work with our clients to evaluate the case defense, create an overall strategy and find ways to create leverage to resolve the case. In addition to individual case defense, we work with companies on legislative, and strategic plans to move mass tort litigation defense forward. We train lawyers, create best practice manuals, and test new strategies in litigation.